New Documentary Raises More Questions About Racism in Grand Rapids
In the fall of 2021, the city of Grand Rapids declared racism as a public health crisis.
So this upcoming film is coming at the appropriate time.
This documentary will show racism in certain cities and Grand Rapids is a part of the list.
Based on a book titled "A City Within A City" by Dr. Todd E. Robinson, the documentary highlights the struggle for freedom and equality for African Americans after World War II.
The documentary is already in production with several scheduled shoots scattered around Grand Rapids.
Dr. Robinson told WoodTV:
"Even though this is Grand Rapids and there are aspects that are unique to Grand Rapids, this is a bout secondary cities and the intimacy of race relations in these places and spaces."
Besides the main focus of the book being translated to film, the director, Jason Nichols has expressed that the current racism issues of the city will be covered in the documentary as well. These issues include the ongoing case of Patrick Lyoya's death.
"So many of the same things that was happening back in the 1900s continue to happen today. As much as there has been progress we're still dealing with the same exact things. They're just dressed differently or presented differently."
I could not have said it any better than that. Many believe that racial issues are not a part of everyday culture, specifically in Grand Rapids. However, this documentary will reveal that that statement is false.
If you want to check out the documentary, it is scheduled to be finished by the spring of 2023.