People Doing Good: Kids Find $125 In Lake Michigan And Return It
Another week, another story of #PeopleDoingGood here in Michigan.
This one started off in Leland. Elk Rapids News posted on their Facebook page a great story about a brother and sister, Tallon and Allie Anderson, who were swimming in Lake Michigan when they saw something floating in the water. According to the story, the kids first thought it was garbage floating, but Tallon decided to take a second look and realized it was more than garbage, it was someone's money and ID.
The Elk Rapids News Facebook post says the floating object turned out to be an envelope with a Driver's license for a lady along with $125 cash and a check. So that night the kids' mom, Jenn, did some internet sleuthing on Facebook and found where the lady lived in Boyne City. After a night's sleep, the family jumped in the car and took a quick trip to Boyne City to return the money and license. As the Facebook post reads, when they got to their destination, the lady wasn't home, so the three killed sometime before going back over, with better luck the second trip.
Apparently the lady and her husband had been out, back in Leland, looking for the missing money and when Tallon, Allie, and Jenn arrived at their house and Tallon asked if they were missing something, the lady was astonished that they had found her missing money and license and had actually taken the time to drive to Boyne City, find her and return the items.
Again, #PeopleDoingGood. Props to Tallon and Allie for being such good samaritans, but also HUGE kudos to Jenn for raising such good-hearted kids!
MORE: Things You NEVER Do In Michigan
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