A woman by the name of Chris Willis in Grand Haven read about a sad situation on one of the social media sites.  Instead of thinking to herself, "That's a sad story", she realized that she could do something about it so she did!
Muskegon Heights Edgewood Elementary School were lacking the basic necessities it took for the teachers to do their job.  Things like pencils and paper were among the much needed items.  Many of the teachers were paying for these items out of their own pocket money.
What is wrong with this picture???
Chris Willis of Media 1 in Grand Haven decided she could help.   Chris started a school supply collection drop off area in her Grand Haven office.  She invited various churches and businesses to help and well, the response was overwhelming.
Boxes overflowing with school supplies were delivered to Edgewood  Elementary in Muskegon Heights.  Also since so many of the art and physical education programs have been cut, Principal Sonya Hernandez has also invited volunteers to come into the school to share their talents with kids.
If you would like to help call Sonya at (231) 830-3250 during normal school hours.

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