Mountain Dew has replied to @UpperPeninsula, who called out the drink company, Tuesday, for accidentally giving the U.P. to Wisconsin in their marketing for a new promotion.

@Upperpeninsula posted first on Twitter:


Fix this, or send a free case to all my residents. Your call.


Then a few hours later, with no response from Mtn Dew, the U.P. stepped up the ante with a Twitter post

I triple dog dare you to come out with an Upper Peninsula edition for your #DEWnited campin.


Well, believe it or not, Mtn Dew heard @UpperPeninsula and responded

Hey, Upper Peninsula: we hear you, and we’re sorry for misplacing you on our #DEWnited map. Give us a chance to right our wrong. Help us fill this special edition label by telling us all of the things you love about the Upper Peninsula (note to self: located in MICHIGAN)

That’s pretty impressive.  They’re going to make a special U.P label.  I hope they actually sell it and don’t just post it on social.  But I guess even if they do just post it, they listened and are putting in some work to say sorry. That’s cool!



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