Most Dangerous Creature in the World Is Coming For Michigan
The most dangerous creature on earth will soon be in Michigan.
It's not large at all. It's not even ferocious. But it sure can be deadly, and will soon be working its way through Michigan.
Now I'm getting scared! What is this monster!
It's the Mosquito!
I wrote about mosquitoes back in July warning that they were so much more dangerous than anyone gives them credit for.
Those little buggers that bother us inside or outside, especially closer to dusk, are so pesky. We're swatting them all the time. We put on a little bug repellant and hope that will do the trick.
So, what's the big deal? A little mosquito bite will itch for awhile but after that it goes away.
It’s estimated that mosquitoes are responsible for at least 700,000 deaths a year and it’s because they are carriers of all sorts of nasty diseases that can be transmitted to humans. Malaria, Zika, West Nile, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis, or EEE.
EEE is one of the most dangerous mosquito-borne diseases in the United States with a 33% fatality rate in people who become ill! And, according to the health department, anyone can get sick with EEE, but those most prone to be the most sick are under 15 and over 50.
What about West Nile?
The CDC says 8 out of 10 people who who do get West Nile virus will likely be unaware of it. However, some may experience fever, vomiting/diarrhea and fatigue. About 1 in 150 will develop symptoms that can affect the central nervous system. We’re talking about things like encephalitis or meningitis. Those who develop nervous system symptoms could die. That's not what I want to hear!
So what can you do?
Well, you could move to Antarctica or Iceland. They don't have mosquitoes.
Okay, that might not work for you, so what else could you do?
1. First of all use a mosquito repellant with DEET on exposed skin when outside, the CDC says.
2. Wear loose fitting light colored, long sleeved clothing between dusk and dawn when they're out in force.
3. Make sure you don't have any standing water around the house because that acts as a great breeding ground.
4. Replace broken screens and doors so mosquitoes can't get into the house.
We all want to be out in the beautiful Michigan weather this Spring, Summer and Fall, and they are primetime for camping in Michigan. We certainly have some primetime spots to camp. But, WATCH OUT FOR THE MOSQUITOES!
MORE: The Ten Most Beautiful Campgrounds in Michigan
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