Michigan Cop’s First Arrest Is An Odd One
Johnathan Garcia wanted to protect and serve, but I don't think this act was covered in the Police Academy curriculum.
Garcia had just signed for his first shift when a call came in from a local church, where they found the evidence left behind. Some poor soul had pooped on the church steps.
"I don’t think anyone will forget it," Garcia told FOX2 News. "We got a call from a few passersby about a white male, in front of the church there on Pennsylvania. They said he was pooping right in front of the sign there."
The evidence was corroborated by a neighbor to the church who got some snapshots of the perp on her cell phone. Minutes later, Garcia had his first arrest.
"He did admit to defecating in public. He acknowledged that his actions were wrong but I guess the urge got the most of him and he was unable to find an accessible restroom right away," Riverview Police Chief Ron Beggs told FOX2.
The man was released into the custody of his family, who said he had a history of mental illness. He was charged with disorderly conduct.