If you're ready to sport a "business in the front, party in the back" hairdo, Ashley Medina is the stylist for you.

The mullet -- a haircut featuring a tightly trimmed front and sides, with a long flowing mane down the back -- is making a comeback.

Annual Mulletfest Brings Together Fans To Celebrate The Infamous Mullet Hairstyle
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And Ashley Medina, a hairdresser at Bliss Salon and Spa in Lansing, is one of the purveyors of the retro look.

Most of us know the mullet from its emergence with the new wave scene back in the mid-80s, but according to NPR, the style actually draws its roots from Native American hairstyles on tribes the Pacific Northwest.

Chief Joseph, a leader of the Nez Perce Indians of that area, kept a mulleted look of spiky bangs in the front, braids on the side and long hair in the back according to Dan Sharfstein, a legal historian at Vanderbilt University.

"He wore it like this despite the pressure from white settlers to cut it," he said. "For him it was not just about dissent and defiance but it was also a collective expression of nationhood," Sharfstein said.

Annual Mulletfest Brings Together Fans To Celebrate The Infamous Mullet Hairstyle
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Medina says the mullet has reemerged with its popularity cutting across all gender lines.

"That is something that I really love about the mullet is that there is no gender to it," she told NPR. "I think that there can be a more masculine masculine look or a more feminine look. But overall the hairstyle in general can definitely suit all genders."

I tried digging up some old '80s photos of yours truly sporting a pretty hot looking mullet, but they've all been mysteriously destroyed. Mainly, because no one can handle a look that smoking hot.

Annual Mulletfest Brings Together Fans To Celebrate The Infamous Mullet Hairstyle
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Medina says she's had so many requests for the mullet, she may specialize in it and stop doing other haircuts.

Annual Mulletfest Brings Together Fans To Celebrate The Infamous Mullet Hairstyle
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