It’s Monday! Do we Really Hate it?
Hey, it's Monday, everybody. Everyone's favorite day! Right?
WRONG!! don't know.
After a weekend, Fathers Day, and stuff, there is Monday.
It is always hard to get back into the grove, but you really don't have an excuse for being "off-your-game" when it comes to Monday. There is no such thing as a case of the Mondays. Or, rather, the Mondays are no different than the Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
A study was published in the The Journal of Positive Psychology, involving over 340,000 interviews, and researchers found that the emotional state of adults is pretty static between Monday and Thursday.
So, why then, do you sometimes think you feel extra down on Monday? They say it has to do with something called ‘The Weekend Effect.’
The study found that people’s moods do greatly improve on Friday, a feeling that extends to Sunday. Then Monday comes around and you experience the loss of that extra elation. However, you’re not going to get any of it back until the next Friday. So, what the study really uncovered is that people hate work.
Okay, did we really need a study to figure that out?
What about you? How's your Monday going? What do you think about it? Just asking.