Grand Rapids Named the Least Greedy City in the Country
Grand Rapids likes to give, but that is only one of the factors considered when ranking the most and least greedy cities in the country.
WalletHub.com ranked 182 cities to find 2019's Most Sinful Cities. Grand Rapids ranked 111th on the list of sinful cities. Not surprisingly, Las Vegas was the most sinful. Peal City, Hawaii ranked the least sinful.
To determine the most sinful cities a "vice index" was created from seven categories: anger/hatred, jealousy, excesses/vices, greed, lust, vanity and laziness.
Grand Rapids ranked 182nd under the category of greed making us the least greedy city in the country. Greed was determined by equally combining:
- casinos per capita
- charitable donations as share of income
- share of adults with gambling disorders
I would have preferred to see them include the percentage of people who take the last slice of pizza without thinking twice, or how likely someone is to go when it's not their turn at a four-way stop. Either way, you should be expecting an impressive gift this year if you have a white elephant holiday party in Grand Rapids.
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