Grand Rapidians Share Their Best GR Moments
A Redditor on the Grand Rapids page asked a simple question, "What is a story/moment you had in GR that was just the greatest moment?"
Here are some of the answers.
The question, posted on the /r/grandrapids subreddit, ranged from the goofy,
'Doing drugs and watching Rammstein nearly burn down the Orbit Room'
to the sublime,
'Every time I drive into GR at night from the west on 196. I always press play on Coldplay's "Fix You" right when you hit the Chicago Ave exit and it times perfectly with hitting the LMD overlook spot. Always makes me feel like I'm home.'
Here are some of my the others:
from supermeijeroshopper (gotta love that name!)
In 2007 after President Ford died there was a jet flyover as a salute to him. I remember standing on Leonard st bridge as the jets flew up the grand river, the spectacle was incredible. In my memory it seems like those jets were like 10 feet over everyone’s heads, it was that loud and powerful. Incredible.
7evin told this wonderful memory of his Dad and the Public Museum:
I was four when the public museum reopened in it's current location. My father happened to know someone involved and he was able to take us on a small tour before it opened. Before it was completely finished, in fact.
I remember the glass barrier was missing from underneath the railing on the second floor of the atrium, right next to the head of the whale skeleton that hangs from the ceiling.
My sisters thought it was fun that they could hold the railing and swing out over free space, the hardwood floor a whole story below them. My father felt differently about the situation.
I know they told me about the whale skeleton, I can't remember if it had been hung there yet. I couldn't really understand the concept regardless. I didn't know much, but I knew the museum was important. It belonged to The City.
I could also tell that my father had brought us here when no one else was allowed in. We got to be somewhere to see big, important, government things literally taking shape. It was the first time that I realized that society and civilization were not ready-made and finished by the time I got there. The world was made by people and it was still being changed.
And my dad could get us in to see it happen. In my little mind, I thought that if we could get in to see The Museum before it was finished, then we must be somewhere near the heart of what's important in the world. Our finger on the pulse. I thought he was some kind of king of Grand Rapids.
Nevik86 took advantage of a familiar GR landmark to make a memory:
Proposing to my now wife on the blue bridge during the winter of 2016. She was so surprised we had to go to the Bull's head tavern for a drink to regroup before meeting up with our friends to celebrate.
And samuelkiste was apart of something I'm sure many of you were:
Being a part of the filming of the GR Lipdub. It was crazy to see the world seeing and appreciating our amazing city.
What about you, do you have a GR memory that shines bright?