There was a lot of excitement that came with a great sense of pride as the first doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 flew out of our Gerald R. Ford International Airport yesterday.

The Gerald R. Ford International Airport became the national and international gateway for distribution, as the Food & Drug Administration gave the green light to Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. How did that happen?

In a report from Fox17, it was simple. We have the infrastructure and the closest airport to Pifizer in Portage with that ability.

Over the years, with great foresight from West Michigan leaders, the Ford Airport has continued to plan for the future and expand. And now, with a 10,000-foot runway able to handle large planes, dedicated cargo facility, ground support and the capacity needed to stage and transport billions of doses of the vaccine which must be kept at negative 94°F, the Gerald R. Ford International Airport made it an easy decision. So now, millions of COVID-19 doses with be flying from here to help end the horrible pandemic.



“We’re here, we’re ready to help and we’re eager to get to work,” said Torrance Richardson, president and CEO of the Gerald R. Ford International Airport Authority. “We have invested in the infrastructure needed to accommodate the wide-body aircraft that will be used to transport the vaccine – and we have the team in place to handle the aggressive delivery schedule. Ford Airport is honored to be a key part of the distribution chain for Pfizer’s life-saving vaccine. We often say our Airport is the gateway to the world – this gives us the opportunity to underscore that in an exceptionally meaningful way.”

What a wonderful early Christmas present of hope!


Here are some tips for self-care during the pandemic:


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