Update: Lockdown has been lifted, school activities have resumed as normal. Police say the person who mad the threat is in custod.

East Grand Rapids Middle School and High School are on partial lockdown Monday morning.

Fox 17 reports that the lockdown is due to a threat to a high school student.

In a post to Facebook, EGR Superintendent Dr. Heidi Kattula shared that the threat was the result of a familial dispute and the EGR Department of Public Safety was notified.

The student was removed from school to ensure his safety and the safety of all students and staff:

"Student safety is our highest priority. To that end, the Middle School and High School are currently on partial lockdown during which students are able to move within the building, but not leave the building. Students who normally attend KCTC or dual enrollment classes will remain at the high school. The three elementary buildings will conduct indoor recess."

EGR says open campus lunch has been canceled. A police presence remains at the Middle and High School.

At this time, the suspect has not been apprehended.

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