Deanna Falzone Announces Exit From TV Station Fox 17-WXMI
For the past 8 years, she's been waking up viewers in West Michigan on Fox 17 WXMI and this morning Deanna Falzone announced that she will be departing the TV station.
Of the announcement, Falzone stated,
"As for the job, it has taught me a great deal over the years and really made me realize that everyone truly has their own unique story. But it’s when you actually take the time to listen you learn the most about others and yourself."
Deanna is a graduate of Central Michigan University and from the Detroit area. She worked at WLNS-TV in Lansing before coming to FOX 17 in 2013.
In her video, Falzone said she wasn't planning on saying anything about the departure. However, that morning she felt she owed her viewers. The broadcaster did not comment on a new direction other than to say she doesn't know what the future holds for her. She did say that she believes "God has a plan for each on of us."
Falzone moved into a part-time position over the summer allowing her more time with family. Viewers got to know her through the births of her sons, struggles with anxiety and passion for non-profits.
Getting a little chocked up, Falzone thanked viewers from the bottom of her heart. She iterated how they have watched her grow up and grow into a mother. She called the experience at Fox 17 "a true honor". When the morning show associate Davis entered the shot, Falzone wiped tears away. Best of luck to her!
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