CVS Accidentally Locks A Michigan Man Inside a Store Overnight… Then Tries to Charge Him For the Snacks He Ate
This story leaves many more questions than answers, the first one being, how does one fall asleep while wearing a blood pressure cuff?
A 56 year old Michigan resident, who for his sake remains unidentified, was accidentally locked into a Trenton, Mich. CVS store last week.
According to this article on the Consumerist web site, the man told police he had fallen asleep near the blood pressure machine, and when he awoke, he was alone and the store was closed.
When he awoke, he did what any of us would have done if we were locked in a CVS store, he started wandering the aisles, where he finally helped himself to a snack of Fig Newtons and milk.
I personally, would have gone for the fun size Snickers and a 64 ounce bottle of Coke Zero, but to each his own.
While wandering the aisles, the man tripped the silent alarm, and Trenton police, satisfied that the man was truly locked in, let him go.
CVS management, meanwhile, demanded that the man pay for his snack. After finding out later that he was homeless, they let it slide and wrote it off to the bad business practice of not seeing a guy asleep at the blood pressure machine.
According to Consumerist, getting locked in a business at night is not terribly uncommon. Check out their list of people who have been locked in businesses over the past few years.
• Oct. 2013 — A California woman was not thrilled when she failed to receive an apology from Costco after employees accidentally locked her inside the warehouse store.
• Dec. 2013 — A man traveling from Louisiana to California found himself locked inside a United Express airplane after he fell asleep and failed to get off the aircraft.
• Feb. 2014 — A woman was locked inside a Hudson’s Bay store in Toronto for 45 minutes, and live-Tweeted the entire thing.
• Nov. 2014 — A Kansas City woman was stuck inside a CVS store for an hour and a half before being rescued. She even paid for her gummy vitamins after being released.
• July 2015 — A Massachusetts family had an exciting Friday night when they were locked inside a Chevrolet dealership’s lot. After no one responded to their calls for help, the family used a saw and cut the gate’s locks.
• Aug. 2015 — A Florida man posted video on Facebook and YouTube after he was locked inside an L.A. Fitness location after the gym’s 5 p.m. closing time.
Yikes! I think I'm curtail my late night shopping.