Changes In The Sports Department-Larry Figurski Is Leaving WOOD TV
He's a 3x Emmy Award Winning Sports Anchor-Reporter-Producer at WOOD TV 8, but now Larry Figurski is calling the game over.

On his Facebook page, the perennial broadcaster announced his move.
"It is with INCREDIBLY MIXED EMOTIONS that after 34 years in television - the past 26 here in West Michigan and the last 22 at WOOD TV8 - I have decided to leave the TV industry."
Figurski studied Broadcast & Cinematic Arts, Journalism at Central Michigan University. He has worked as a Sports Anchor/Reporter at WZZM-TV 13. He spent time at WWTV/WWUP TV 9 & 10 too.
He has covered sporting events all over the country including the Stanley Cup Finals, the NCAA Final Four, the World Series and the NBA Finals. Figurski is a ten-time winner of the Michigan Associated Press “Best Sportscast” award.
He cited scheduling conflicts and a reprioritization as his reason for leaving. He stated that he has spent most of my career and the last 20 consecutive years working nights and weekends. While his wife, a school teacher, works days leaving them little time together.
Figurski said,
"I would like to say thank you to all of you here in West Michigan who welcomed and accepted me when I was LITERALLY the new KID in town 26 years ago. It has been a great honor and privilege to serve you and to be a part of this great community."
The sportscaster will be staying in West Michigan. He will continue on as a member of the Grand Rapids Griffins radio and TV broadcast team for his 22nd season.
He has accepted a position as the Promotions and Creative Content Coordinator for Advanced Interiors in Jenison, a home improvement, flooring, countertop and cabinets company.
He went on to say,
"I will deeply miss bringing you the sports stories and highlights on TV, but will always be grateful for the time we’ve spent together, even if much it was through a television screen. Until then, I hope to our paths continue to cross at a Griffins came or just around town. Thank you again! God bless!"
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