Can You Help?: This Rockford Pig is Missing
There is nothing a pet owner dreads more than the idea of possibly losing their fuzzy best friend. But usually when you see missing banners around Grand Rapids for pets who are lost, they're for dogs or occasionally cats. However, one pet owner in West Michigan is seeking help finding their sweet pig, Pebbles.
According to a post on Kent County Lost and Found, Pebbles went missing on Tuesday, April 26th in Rockford. According to her mom, Shannon, Pebbles was being leash trained when she slipped from Shannon's hands and escaped.
She was originally spotted in the woods, cruising east off Young on Winter Forest Drive PVT around 6pm on Tuesday evening. In a later update, Shannon shared that she'd been spotted in another neighborhood.
The last update shared with Kent County Lost and Found came last night and said:
She seems to be lingering here and I was able to set up a live trap this evening along with two real time digital camera to let us know when we’ve caught some thing and what. We found a trail with her prints, poo, and snuffles. to set it up by. So fingers crossed!
She couldn’t have chosen a better neighborhood to be lost in. They are a close knit tiny community of very kind and helpful people and I am beyond grateful for their neighborhood net working and allowing me access to their properties in order to bring home Pebbles safely.Not going to lie. It’s gonna be cold tonight and I’m worried about her finding a warm enough spot to bed down in. I’m hoping a day in the wild has sparked those natural instincts in her.I’ve delivered over 30 flyers in the area that she’s been spotted and printed up 60 more to deliver and post tomorrow morning. I plan to hit every house that boarders the woods she’s in and then some. I also plan to add at least one or more traps in addition to the one I already have set up this evening.I’m putting in 100% positive energy that we, with the help of everyone here and irl, will bring Pebbles home. My gratitude to everyone who has helped so far by sharing my posts, offering advice, linking me to specialists, etc…I will keep everyone posted as updates come in. Please keep looking and sharing we don’t have her yet! And thank you all for your continued care and help