Are You Satisfied With Your Job?
The alarm just went off, and I have to get up and go into work. It's another "workday!" Ooohhhh, noooooooo.
There are days we all feel that way. You just had a great weekend and now, work. Ugh!
There are a lot of people who do look forward to going in to work. They have great job satisfaction and can't wait to get started.
A recent survey ranks occupations by job satisfaction, and the top five are; 5. Florists; 4. Chefs; 3. Plumbers; 2. Hairdressers; and number 1. Social Workers!
For you it may be 'non of the above,' and you can't wait to find something different because you dread the start of the workweek, wish the workday away, and have lost your enthusiasm.
The Mayo Clinic says there is help. You might be able to change how you think about your job and improve your job satisfaction.
In an article on Mayo, they say to take some time to think about what motivates and inspires you — and how you approach your work. For example:
- It's a job. If you approach work as a job, you focus primarily on the financial rewards. The nature of the work may hold little interest for you. What's important is the money. If a job with more pay comes your way, you'll likely move on.
- It's a career. If you approach work as a career, you're likely interested in advancement. You may want to climb the career ladder as far as possible or be among the most highly regarded professionals in your field. You're motivated by the status, prestige and power that come with the job.
- It's a calling. If you approach your job as a calling, you focus on the work itself. You're less interested in financial gain or career advancement, preferring instead to find a sense of fulfillment from the work itself.
One approach isn't necessarily better than the others, and you might find elements of all three perspectives important. Still, if you're unsatisfied with your job, it's helpful to reflect on why you work. Think about what originally drew you to your current job, and think about the fact that it may be a factor in your lack of job satisfaction.
Whether your work is a job, a career or a calling, you can take steps to put meaning back in your job. Make the best of difficult work situations by maintaining a positive attitude. Be creative as you think of ways to change your circumstances — or how you view your circumstances. This will help you manage stress and let you experience the rewards of your profession.