If you love Fireworks like I do, and especially the Downtown Spectacular Fireworks for the 4th of July, then this is the best offer you'll get. How about a reserved spot front row with a party thrown in as well?

The annual Downtown 4th of July Fireworks will be on Saturday, July 6 this year, and as we all know, they're not to be missed, so, the Grand Rapids Public Museum is offering you the best seats in town, on the lawn of the museum, or inside the front room gallery.

Along with a spectacular view of the fireworks, you'll enjoy an evening of exploring the Museum, seeing a planetarium show, hearing the Mighty Wurlitzer Theater Organ, carousel rides and more! Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Tickets are only $15 per person, $10 for Museum members, with 2-years and under FREE.

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