New Exhibit — “Outbreak” — Opening this Weekend at G.R. Public Museum
If there was any better time to learn about how and why viruses spread, in the middle of a worldwide pandemic is probably the right time.
This Saturday, August 1, the Grand Rapids Public Museum will be unveiling their new exhibit, Outbreak: Epidemics in a Connected World. The exhibit will feature information on different viruses that have spread rapidly such as Zika, Ebola, and obviously COVID-19.
Visitors will learn about the vaccination process, stigmas associated with certain infectious diseases,
and how community members help stop outbreaks from becoming epidemics.
For reference, an epidemic affects a large number of people within a community or region. A pandemic is when it starts spreading across multiple countries or continents.
You will also learn how human, animal, and environmental health are all connected in relation to an outbreak.
The GRPM told Fox 17,
This exhibit and the panels inside of it is coming from the Smithsonian... Then we also had our science curator, Dr. Redman at the museum add additional information as we are constantly learning more about COVID-19.
A few months ago, the museum asked people to submit pictures, stories, videos of their first-hand experience with coronavirus and quarantine. Those will also be showcased as "Community Documentation COVID-19." GRPM is still accepting submissions if you'd like to be a part of the exhibit.
"Outbreak" is free with admission price and will be on display on the museum's second floor until Sunday, October 18.
Grand Rapids Public Museum is currently open and tickets must be purchased in advance.

READ MORE: Inspiring Stories From the Coronavirus Pandemic
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