Halloween is a lot of fun, but it's even more fun if you're not soaked and/or freezing cold.

See where your kids can enjoy showing off their costumes this year while your entire family stays dry and warm.

As you look through our list of indoor trick-or-treating locations, note that the events fall over many days.

The first indoor trick-or-treating party is on Thursday, Oct. 26. The events continue through Oct. 31. That's a lot of days to choose from whether you go out just once or give in to your kids and go as many times as possible until your home is overflowing with candy.


  • South Harbor: 10am - Noon on Saturday, Oct. 28. Carnival games, bounce house, donuts, cider, scarecrow-making contest, costume contest, more.





  • The Cappon House hosted by Holland Museum. 6pm on both Friday, Oct. 27 and Saturday, Oct. 28. Games, ghost stories, fortune telling, pumpkin carving, treats, broom riding. Not all events are indoors. $10 per person. $8 for members. Kids 5 and under are free.


  • Jenison Bible Church: 6pm - 8pm on Tuesday, Oct. 31. Candy, carnival games and Candy Land characters.


  • Walker Ice and Fitness: 8pm - 10pm on Friday, Oct. 27. Scary Skate: all ages, free admission, candy, costume contest, prizes.


  • Ottawa Reformed Church: 3:30pm - 5pm on Saturday, Oct. 28. Dr. Seuss Trick or Treat: see 15 different scenes from Dr. Seuss storybooks, prizes, candy.

Know of more indoor trick-or-treating events? Please share in the comments!

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