We were talking about work here at the radio station of the Andy and Chuck morning show on WTRV. Can you believe it, I have worked for this company for over 27 years. While not a record, it is unusual to stay in one place for so long -- in the radio business. 27 years. I attribute it to two things; luck and an understanding boss. I have been fortunate. I have had only three general managers in all these years. Each a pretty good guy, too. Too bad more of us can't say the same.


Many employees have encountered difficult bosses. More than 45-percent of the workers participating in a new OfficeTeam poll say they've had an unreasonable supervisor. But nearly 60-percent have stuck it out with that job. While a quarter say they "Stayed put and suffered through the torment," 35-percent "Stayed put but tried to deal with the issue." Twenty-seven-percent left after finding someplace else to work, but eleven-percent quit immediately with no new job lined up.

OfficeTeam identifies five difficult boss types: The Micromanager, who's constantly looking over your shoulder; The Poor Communicator, who provides little or no direction; The Saboteur, who takes all the credit for employees' ideas but blames others when something goes wrong; The Bully, who demands everything be done his or her way; and The Mixed Bag, who's unpredictable. OfficeTeam says The Micromanager has trust issues, so it's important workers are reliable and responsible, and keep the boss in the loop. Employees need to check regularly with The Poor Communicator to make sure details, deadlines, and expectations aren't missed. Documentation is a good way of dealing with The Saboteur. Those working for The Bully need to show their strength in a calm, reasonable manner. Remaining calm and reasonable is also important when working for The Mixed Bag. Recognizing the boss' mood and limiting communication when he or she appears to be on edge is also helpful.

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