We’re #1?! Michigan Convict Tops Serial Killer Tally
A list of the top serial killers convicted by state shows Michigan's top killer killed more than almost anyone else.
This poster, released by the home security web site Security Baron, shows the list of the top serial killers by where they were convicted.
Carl Eugene Watts, akak 'The Sunday morning Slasher' was convicted in Michigan in 2004 for the murder of Helen Dutcher in Westland. Watts has been tied to over 100 murders nationwide, and thus is the top killer on the list. While it may not be a source of pride because of the tragic loss of human life, it can be noted that we were the first state to put him away.
Watts died in prison in 2007.
Two other killers on the list may have topped Watts. Some estimate that Wyoming convict Rodney Alcala may be responsible for close to 130 murders. New York's Richard Kuklinski could also have his hand in over 130 murders. Yikes!