Warning For Parents About A New “Suicide” Game Teens Are Playing
Have you seen the movie “Nerve” yet? If not, you should probably watch it... if you have seen the movie then the new suicide game that teens are starting to play will make plenty of sense.
WNEM.com posted a story they found on news.com.au, about the viral challenge “MOMO” which starts by having teens add an anonymous contact thru “WhatsApp”, which is already scary and a HELL NO, but teens do this. Then the random contact sends them “challenges” to do until they are either hurt or end up killing themselves.
I know, the first question is, “Why don’t they stop before it gets to that point?”
Well according to the WNEM story, the anonymous contact threatens the player by saying personal info or compromising photos will be leaked if they quit taking “orders” for the game.
So far it looks like this game hasn’t really hit the United States yet, but officials in Mexico and Spain, as well as Argentina, are urging teens on Twitter:
“Do Not add ‘Momo!’”
WNEM’s story says this new challenge is like the “Blue Whale Challenge” and the fictional character “Slender Man” which have both made their way into the US along social media channels. So be on the lookout for anyone saying they are playing "Momo"… it’s not a Pokemon Go type game.
If you haven't watched NERVE yet, here's the trailer, it's a good movie... but as long as it stays a movie and doesn't become real (like "Momo")
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