We finally got our winter weather this past weekend and it sure made up for lost time. We had near record snowfall all around West Michigan and the lake effect snow machine hasn't shut off yet.

But wait! Hold your horses! Guess what? It's going to change.

Ingram Publishing/Getty Images

The National Weather Service says the El Nino weather pattern will affect our weather and spin it around to warmer weather.

National Weather Service Grand Rapids/Facebook
National Weather Service Grand Rapids/Facebook

They're saying that there is a high likelihood that it will warm up next week, warmer than normal. Usually our normal highs are upper 20's to low 30's, so it seems as if we can expect higher temps than that.

National Weather Service Grand Rapids/Facebook
National Weather Service Grand Rapids/Facebook

Since we are having near record lows now, that might seem to some as a big relief, but warmer weather means that we will lose some of our snow. That snowman you build may be a bit shorter after next week as well.

Wintery Weather In The UK
Mark Thompson/Getty Images)

Truth be told, this could also mean a significant rise in rivers. Many may be cheering that we will lose some snow, but if it's too rapid it will create all sorts of problems not the least of which is flooding.

Grand Rapids Public Museum/You Tube
Grand Rapids Public Museum/You Tube

Farmers are saying we need to keep the snow and cold temps, (not the frigid temps) so those with livestock don't have mud!!! We just need a sssllloooowwww melt, not a rapid melt!

Shannon Elizabeth at CuervoNation Snow Fest
Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

There are the ski areas that have been begging for snow all season, and now they can open to all the winter skiing fans. If they do have enough base they should be fine, but it might be tough.

Don't worry snow fans, we certainly will have more, but maybe this time not the big dump we just had.



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