Seems like there are numerous prom stories this year, doesn't it?  Andy Rent told you about the dress made of pop can tabs.  I mentioned the prom picture pier collapse a few days ago.

Now, a girl from the U.P. makes news with her dress made from Starburst wrappers!

Her name is Diane McNease and she's from Ishpeming (I had to Google it) in the U.P.

She was at a swim meet and saw a friend folding some Starburst wrappers when the idea came to her.

It took almost 18 months to collect the wrappers - 18,000 of them - and another 5 months to make the dress.  She ate all the candy herself for the first month - but then got sick of it.  So friends at school pitched in, ate the candy and provided wrappers (tough gig).

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