We Got It! Titanic Exhibit Coming To Grand Rapids!
WOW! Cities all over the country were vying for this exhibit but we in Grand Rapids, were one of few cities to get it! I mean, think about this. This kind of stuff, decades ago, always went to Detroit, no questions asked. Chicago got it. But those days are over! Can't you just feel how alive this city is with growth. It's just so ripe.
Here's a little of what we know so far.
The exhibit is called Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition. It will be coming to the Grand Rapids Public Museum in November of 2012. It will mark the 100th anniversary year of the sinking of the ship. The exhibition will include many of the treasures and artifacts that were recovered from the bottom of the ocean.
All I can see in my minds eye is "Rose" on the mast of the ship, wind blowing through her hair, and Leonardo DeCaprio behind her holding onto her. Oh, and that blue stone necklace. And of course, Celine Dion singing "My Heart Will Go On." Perfect! If you want more of the story it's right here... Here's a little something to help you reminisce:) ps I'll be posting some sneak peek pictures of the exhibit too!
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