Tears and Hugs as Coopersville HS Students and Teachers Reveal Who Inspires Them [Video]
Coopersville High School students were asked to name a teacher that inspires them and makes them want to come to school. Teachers were asked to choose a student that inspires them to come to work every day.
Students and teachers were full of smiles and tears as they shared and listened to each others comments.
The video will have you smiling and crying too.
A good teaching environment starts with respect. Students who respect their teachers and teachers who respect their students. This video makes it clear that there is plenty of respect at Coopersville High School.
Some comments from students to teachers:
- "I just want to thank you for being such a good teacher and always being helpful every day."
- "You're always positive and look at the bright side of everything. You're funny and I look forward to every class I have with you. Thank you for not only being there for me, but for everyone in the school."
- "Myself and the school appreciates you and all of the hard work that you do. Thank you for being a bright part of our school."
- "I just wanted to tell you how much you've impacted my life and how many life skills you've taught me."
A few comments from teachers to students:
- "I really appreciate the positive attitude that you bring to school every day. That makes me love my job. It reminds me of why I do what I do."
- "I just want to thank you for being such a great kid."
- "You always walk into class with a smile on your face and a kind word ready to learn."
- "Thanks for being awesome."
Well done, Coopersville High School!
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