With the latest blockbuster movie hitting the movie theaters this past weekend, Batman V Superman, times a wasting if you don't get some traction for a movie your producing.
It's a great tie-in to tease the Lego Batman Movie since everyone is in the mood. Even thought Lego Batman doesn't come out until next year. That right, I said next year, February 10, 2017 to be exact. The movie makers are thi
Here is another much anticipated movie, Batman V Superman:Dawn of Justice, and it opens this week. For sure, it will be another blockbuster at the theaters.
Comic book fans the world over can't wait for Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice to answer the age-old question of who would win in a fight, Batman or Superman? The answer is obvious: Superman. He’s an alien with unlimited powers
Everybody is geeked about Star Wars coming out December 16, and I'm right along with them. But, the new Batman/Superman movie looks pretty exciting, too.
Ben Affleck showed up Wednesday night on Jimmy Kimmel Live and premiered the new trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which comes out March 25th. Looking good, guys! Check it out.
CBS ‘Supergirl’ recently revealed a more procedural format that had many fans worried about the series, but the casting of Kara Zor-El should leave all positively ‘Glee’-ful. Melissa Benoist will don a cape and tights for the title role in CBS’ ‘Supergirl’ series, chronicling the adventures of Superman’s cousin.