By now, you have surly heard or seen the story from ABC News, of the woman who recently visited the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., and was coaxed into singing the Star Spangled Banner. In case you missed it, I thought it only appropriate to re-visit that moment on this 4th of July.
The "fight of the century," or so it was called by some, is over. The Mayweather/Paaquiao fight was Saturday night, and Floyd Mayweather won by unanimous decision in 12 rounds.
Did you see it? By all reports is was very under whelming. Many were disappointed at the lack of actual fighting. However, that wasn't the only topic of conversation.
Star Spangled Banner Banned!!! Care to guess why? This isn't the first time a story like this has landed in the National news spotlight. But one Indiana school has decided to play "America the Beautiful" prior to sporting events instead of the "Star-Spangled Banner"...
TMZ obtained video of Christina Aguilera rehearsing "TheStar Spangled Banner" before Sunday's game & she didn't miss a beat. But she also did not finish it! Onlookers said she appeared so confident in her performance that she suddenly stopped three-quarters of the way through the song.