I've been lucky enough to spend some time with this kid and he's got a lot of passion for this role he took on as a 17-year-old kid. But now it seems like he’s hanging up the webs as the Kalamazoo Spider-Man recently announced that for now, he was going to be hanging up the mask
As you can see above, Parker Gray, of Parker Gray Real Estate decided to dress up as Spider-man for Halloween and took advantage of the opportunity as well.
What did you see this weekend? Was it the dour World War II epic? The raunchy New Orleans sex comedy? Or the movie where Cara Delevingne shoves her head into a telepathic jellyfish’s butt? Truly, with options like this, anyone who complains about the death of cinema has no idea what they’re talking about. Anyways, here’s the box office numbers through Sunday afternoon:
There’s a certain amount of irony to Spider-Man: Homecoming displacing Wonder Woman as the top-grossing superhero movie on the current box-office chart. As it turns out, Wonder Woman’s continuing success in theaters means that it has achieved something that no movie since the original Spider-Man has accomplished: Achieving a total domestic gross that is nearly four times its opening weekend numbers.
Tom Holland has been announced as Marvel's next Spider-Man. He takes over from Andrew Garfield. Of course, Tobey Maguire had his turn too.
Who looks the most like Spider-Man/Peter Parker?