Looking to take a romantic getaway? According to TripAdvisor, we've got some romantic hot spots right here in West Michigan!
Three West Michigan locations made their list of "Romantic Midwest Destinations for Couples".
TripAdvisor says they've selected "top-notch destinations" with plenty of romantic activities that are a "good deal for your dollar"...
There's pressure every year to do better for Valentine's Day, if you have someone to share the day with. If you're like me and you don't, have a great Singles Awareness Day! But if you have a Significant Other, you may feel pressure to be more romantic, or do something more fun that last year.
Chocolate and flowers just doesn't cut it anymore. Especially if you're looking to get a little extra &qu
As we approach Valentine's Day many of us are looking for the perfect place to book a romantic dinner for our significant other.
Last week, OpenTable revealed the '100 Most Romantic Restaurants in America' and two Michigan restaurants made the list...
Hey ladies.....guys...you too. Has the "passion" kind of left your marriage/relationship? It seems to happen to everybody. With Valentine's Day just around the corner, wouldn't you like to get it back? Kind of "steam up" your relationship again and put a little "zing" in your step?
Maybe it's something you understand as you grow older but in youth, as it probably should be, physical attraction is the most important characteristic. Follow that up with feelings of excitement, thrills and reckless abandon and that all leads to the species procreating...