When it comes to researching music festivals, one of the most sought after ones is located here in Michigan. You may be surprised which one tops the list.
Jeffrey Augustine Songco’s ArtPrize installation “Revelry” at Calder Plaza is a 200 foot long chain link fence originally decorated with 2,700 pounds of Mardi Gras beads.
Only a fraction of those beads remain after most were taken by ArtPrize visitors on Saturday.
Jeffrey Augustine Songco's ArtPrize installation "Revelry" at Calder Plaza is a 200 foot long chain link fence decorated with 2,700 pounds of Mardi Gras beads.
Songco explains how the piece came together, the use of color and more.
Maybe you aren't able to get to New Orleans for Fat Tuesday today?
Well, don't worry because The B.O.B. has you covered!
Head to The B.O.B for its 17th annual Fat Tuesday Celebration TODAY.
Here is a great story for all of my media friends and reporters out there.
Television news reporters know that when they report live from a public area, there's always the chance that an unwelcome "visitor" will enter their shot and try to get some face time.
Woke up this morning at 4:30am and headed out to Family Fare on Lake Michigan Drive for a LIVE broadcast with Chuck La Tour. I was filling in for Andy Rent who is vacationing at the REAL Mardi Gras in the French Quarters. So much fun today...