With the launch of new Ghostbusters-themed instant tickets from the Michigan Lottery, the state's lottery has entered a new era with scratch-off tickets.
I don't care what the critics say, I think the new Ghostbusters movie is going to be a hoot.
It seems the new Ghostbusters movie trailer became the most disliked in YouTube history, and I don't know why.
Melissa McCarthy says, “It’s a reboot, not a remake. In the movie, it’s like the first one didn’t happen.” She admitted that the trailer was misleading by claiming the events of the new movie take
This summer, after a 27 year hiatus, Ghostbusters is returning to the big screen with the Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig led reboot. Also this summer, after a 15-year hiatus, Ghostbusters is returning to store shelves in the form of the classic 80s juice drink Hi-C Ecto Cooler...
With the exception of those new photos the other day, we haven’t seen much on director Paul Feig’s upcoming Ghostbusters reboot. While most summer movies have at least provided a teaser trailer by now, we still don’t know much about this new ghost busting adventure...
There’s one reason and one reason only why we’re getting a Ghostbusters remake in 2016 instead of an actual Ghostbusters 3 five years ago. That reason is named Bill Murray and he’s been the not-so-secret sequel roadblock for as long as we can remember. But then he accepted a small role in the new reboot, because he’s Bill Murray and Bill Murray does whatever he wants. Sometimes that means randomly showing up at your birthday party. Sometimes that means popping up in a film franchise that he seemingly had zero desire to revisit. Now, Murray explains his reasons for joining a new Ghostbusters movie he was so vocally against.
Chris Hemsworth ain’t afraid of no nerdy eyewear. He’s also not afraid of serving as the administrative assistant to a quartet of ghost-busting ladies on the set of Paul Feig’s Ghosbtusters. Today brings our first look at Hemsworth in costume, spotting the Ghostbusters uniform on the set of the upcoming film.