gaines township

One West Michigan Town Tops List Of SAFEST Places To Live In Michigan
One West Michigan Town Tops List Of SAFEST Places To Live In Michigan
One West Michigan Town Tops List Of SAFEST Places To Live In Michigan
Are you living in the safest city in Michigan?  There’ a good chance you do or at least know someone who does! The website (I know, it’s hard to take this website serious because of their name, but I promise, you’ll like their results,) recently decided to try to find the safest cities to live in here in Michigan...
Why Switch Chose Grand Rapids for $5 Billion Data Center
Why Switch Chose Grand Rapids for $5 Billion Data Center
Why Switch Chose Grand Rapids for $5 Billion Data Center
Switch has announced that once three data center bills are passed, they will begin construction on the company’s new 2 million square-foot, $5 billion SUPERNAP data center campus at the site of the former Steelcase pyramid in Gaines Township. See why the site is a good location for the data center.