
What Is Your Go-To Summer Drink To Keep Cool.
What Is Your Go-To Summer Drink To Keep Cool.
What Is Your Go-To Summer Drink To Keep Cool.
Going to be a little cooler today.....mid 70's. Maybe it'll give my refrigerator a break. It has been so hot, my kids are wearing out the fridge door. Open, close, open, close, etc. As if something new will materialize by magic. In our house, its ice water or ice water. What is your go-to summer drink.
Wetting The Summer Whistle – A Look At Our Drinking Habits
Wetting The Summer Whistle – A Look At Our Drinking Habits
Wetting The Summer Whistle – A Look At Our Drinking Habits
Andy and I were talking about "wetting the summer whistle" on WTRV this morning.   With so many choices, what do you think is the biggest summer drink?  If you said pop or soda, you are right.  Even though we've been told countless times soft drinks are not in our long term best interest, we drink a lot of them.  Same with beer.