I Hate To Tell You Michigan But Your Boardwalks Are TerribleI Hate To Tell You Michigan But Your Boardwalks Are TerribleAs a former resident near one of the best boardwalks and beaches in the country, it is only right to explain why Michigan beaches are not up to par.Lisha BLisha B
Check Out These 6 Lake Michigan Beaches That Your Dog Can Enjoy TooCheck Out These 6 Lake Michigan Beaches That Your Dog Can Enjoy TooSuns out- time to have some fun! Here are some of the great beaches along Lake Michigan that your dog is allowed to visit too!Laura HardyLaura Hardy
Dog Friendly Beaches in West MichiganDog Friendly Beaches in West MichiganSo, where in West Michigan can you go, other than a dog park, or taking long walk, to let your dog run-in-the-sun? Try these beaches.Andy RentAndy Rent