Disney films and television shows have a special place in many people's hearts. You can see several costumes from iconic Disney movies and shows at The Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.
Broadway Grand Rapids is teaming up with In the Image to help at-risk children in Grand Rapids to get a new pair of shoes for school.
Here is how you can help, and get a thank-you discount to CINDERELLA. Drop off a pair of used shoes at Broadway Grand Rapids and get a discount to the Tony® Award-winning Broadway musical, Rodgers + Hammerstein’s CINDERELLA.
Broadway Grand Rapids presents RODGERS + HAMMERSTEIN'S CINDERELLA, the 2013 Tony® Award-winning Broadway musical from the creators of The King & I and The Sound of Music, at DeVos Performance Hall September 27-October 2.
There is still so much left of an exciting season of top Broadway shows coming to Grand Rapids, such as Phantom and The Book of Mormon, that you're left wondering how is Broadway Grand Rapids going to top this season. Suddenly they announce next seasons shows, and your saying, WOW! They've done it again.
Jesse Nagy's 4-year-old niece Izzy was a little apprehensive about wearing her princess dress in public, so her uncle did something amazing for her.
The actor, who hails from Michigan, told ABC News that he and Izzy had planned to see Cinderella together, and when he learned that she was nervous about wearing the dress he wanted to make her more comfortable. So, he did what he says "anybody e