This Fourth of July, you can truly show your spirit by making a true American dessert: A red, white and blue cake stuffed with three kinds of pie. Now that's what I'm talking about!
Birthday cake tradition trumps New Year's resolution.
At least it should.
When it comes time to celebrate with birthday cake, where do you get your cake?
Do you bake it or buy it?
All right. Here's the rundown.
Flowers are the big number one. No surprise there. That's the way most people go year after year, and moms love it, so why not? My mom has a green thumb, so I go with potted every year, but your mom might prefer cut. It's up to you.
For a birthday party present, a 1-year-old baby got a lesson in filching food.
In Troy, a party of 15 ate pizza and birthday cake with the tot and slipped away without paying.
Or as Chuck might say ... Rats!
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