
Breakfast from the Heavens
Breakfast from the Heavens
Breakfast from the Heavens
By Laurenda Marie Bennett Pancake Sunday was a tradition in my family. I looked forward to those mornings when my mother poured her homemade buckwheat batter onto a warm griddle. Yummmm. I haven’t met a pancake I didn’t like, but over the years I’ve come to find my favorite. So, what are my favorite pancakes, you ask? They are fluffy, chocolatey, whole wheat Almond Joy Pancakes, with plenty of ch
Best Breakfast In Grand Rapids
Best Breakfast In Grand Rapids
Best Breakfast In Grand Rapids
Best breakfast in Grand Rapids? So many great places in town. Any would be great right now. Rushed out of the house without eating. What a blunder. The majority of us believe it's important to eat breakfast every day, but many also admit it's not always easy to fit the meal into a hectic morning...
A Few Ideas For Mother’s Day
A Few Ideas For Mother’s Day
A Few Ideas For Mother’s Day
All right. Here's the rundown. Flowers are the big number one. No surprise there. That's the way most people go year after year, and moms love it, so why not? My mom has a green thumb, so I go with potted every year, but your mom might prefer cut. It's up to you.