From the fruity smells of Lip Smackers before that awkward first kiss to the school supplies that made us a little dizzy, let’s take a nostalgic whiff down memory lane.
Forget TI-85s, tablets, and laptops. Shopping for school supplies was more about personality than technology. Here's the must haves for '80s Michigan school kids.
Rolling Stone recently polled its readers to come up with a rundown of the 10 best tv shows of the 1980s.
"Cheers" came out on top, followed by "Miami Vice", and "Hill Street Blues."
It's pretty off the wall but it's SyFi's latest creature feature Mega Python vs. Gatoroid featuring 80's pop stars Tiffany and Debbie Gibson. No Joke! It's a "B Movie" and as Debbie Gibson said, "It's fun to make a movie where you're in on the joke...