Rachel from Grand Rapids Is On Jeopardy TONIGHT!!!
Someone from Grand Rapids will be on Jeopardy tonight!
I happened to come across a post bragging that a lady’s sister-in-law would be on Jeopardy tonight (which comes on at 7:30 pm on WWMT 3 and 10:30 on CW7 – or channel 17 on Comcast.)
Tonight, Rachel Snyder will be representing Grand Rapids and Michigan on the game show, so I reached out to her to find out some more about her.
I wanted to know more about Rachel, so I asked for what she does as a profession and how “amazing” her GPA was in college, to be a contestant on Jeopardy. She graduated from Columbia University and is now a writer, who had an amazing GPA in college but “not in a good way” as she put it.
I also wanted to know more about the audition process and any secrets she could tell us about the show, that you only know about once you’re a part of it all. Here’s what she said about the try-out process and the filming of the episode:
As far as trying out for the show goes, that's a fairly involved process. I took the online test in January of last year, and a few months later I received an email inviting me to an in-person audition in Detroit in June. (Auditions are held in several different cities each year, and when you sign up to take the online test you're asked to identify which city you'd prefer to go to should you make it to that stage.) At the auditions, you take another test, plus play a mock game. At that point, you're in a pool of contestants and may be invited to the show at any point until 18 months after you first took the online test. They called me the first week of January, and my taping was the last day of the month. (They tape a week's worth of episodes in a single day.) Approximately 70,000 people took that initial online test, and 400 are invited to the show each year, so what you see when you watch the show is really the final round of a much larger competition.
This is so exciting! I hope she does awesome!! As I said earlier, Jeopardy comes on WWMT 3 (Comcast 3) at 7:30 pm tonight and 10:30 pm on CW7 (Comcast 17) –
Rachel, if you win big… just remember Rob Sparks… especially if we ever meet out during a happy hour!
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