Our Switzerland Trip is on Wheel of Fortune This Week
Our upcoming trip to Switzerland, Austria and Bavaria is going to be featured on The Wheel of Fortune as Pat and Vanna are celebrating Swiss Holiday Week all this week, January 22-26.
Our tour partner, Collette, is in its fifth season of co-branded weeks, and this is the first time footage for the week was filmed on location at one of our tour destinations. It will be so much fun to tune in WWMT TV3, to catch the best parts of Pat & Vanna's tour to Bern, Lucerne and Zermatt, Switzerland, a couple of the places we will be touring in August.
There is still time for you to sign up and have 10-wonderful days in Switzerland, Austria and Bavaria, touring some of the most beautiful countries in the world. We're traveling August 2nd through the 11th and will fly right out of Grand Rapids. Airfare, hotels, tours, baggage and all breakfasts and many dinners are all included.
We take about 40 people, and we only have room for 6-more couples. If you're thinking about it, or planning for it, call 1-800-581-8942 and refer to booking number 837526 right now! The wonderful people from Collette will be happy to help you get signed up.
And, as an added bonus, we're presenting a FREE webinar session, Tuesday, January 30 at 1:30 p.m. For anyone still considering the trip, or for those already signed up and want to know more, this is for you. Log on with your computer and simply watch. Just CLICK HERE for the website and sign up. It's fun and doesn't cost a thing.
Here is the link
CLICK HERE for complete information and our itinerary.
Hurry! You don't want to miss out on this one.