One out of every five children in the Grand Rapids area don’t always know where their next meal will come from and more than 50,000 Kent County residents rely on a food pantry at some point.

Those sorts of sad and stunning stats drove a decision to help, and to launch the first of what would turn out to be 23 yearly concerts at the old Intersection in Eastown. It was called Feedback, and it still is today. The idea was to raise money for Access of Kent County, and draw attention to the organization’s work while also shining a spotlight on some talented West Michigan bands. This Sunday, April 9 at Founders Brewing is the day.

With support from John Sinkevics Local Spins, Founders Brewing and the Wheeler Foundation, they're doing it all again on Sunday at Founders Brewing Co. in Grand Rapids with performances by rock bands The Legal Immigrants, Conrad Shock & The Noise and, of course, The Honeytones (who once again will emerge from their hibernation like chirping cicadas). Representatives from Access will be on hand to share their story.

Anthony J. Norkus
Anthony J. Norkus

It begins this Sunday at 4 p.m. and runs to 9 p.m. with a $5 donation at the door. That's not much considering all the bands you're getting and helping support Access. There will be a 50/50 Raffle, all sorts of stuff for sale, and just plain fun.

You can also help Access meet the need in Kent County with a donation online HERE!

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