More Details on Grassfields Cheese E. Coli Recall
On August 3, Coopersville's Grassfields Cheese issued a recall of 20,000 pounds of cheese due to E. coli concerns. Today, we know more about how many have gotten sick and where they are from.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) reports that they along with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) and local health departments are investigating an outbreak of six cases of E. coli infections in Michigan residents from five counties: Calhoun, Kent, Livingston, St Clair, and Wayne; a seventh case is from out of state.
All six cases have been laboratory confirmed at MDHHS and have the same of strain of E. coli. Cases range in age from 15 to 37 years old and illness onset dates range from March 13, 2016, to July 13, 2016. One case was hospitalized but has since been discharged.
While the investigation is still underway, several of those sick have reported consuming meals containing Grassfields cheese products in multiple restaurants. Samples of cheeses have been collected from restaurants and from Grassfields Cheese.
Bacteria matching the E coli strain found in the ill individuals was identified in one Grassfields cheese sample through testing done at the MDARD Geagley Lab and the MDHHS Lab. Testing of more cheeses is underway.
Anyone who has recently eaten Grassfields Cheese products and is experiencing symptoms should contact their healthcare provider and their local health department.
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