“Models” Needed for Live Re-creation of Historical Painting at G.R. Park
If you want to be a part of history, and spend your Saturday doing something unique, this is it right here.
Friends of Grand Rapids Parks wants to recreate a historical painting from the 1800's that depicts people enjoying a day by river. You don't have to be an actual model to participate... it's open to everyone!
The live park painting recreation will take place Saturday, May 22 at Ah-Nab-Awen Park on the banks of the Grand River. Participants must arrive by 2:45 p.m. with the live painting taking place from 3 to 4:30 p.m.
The painting, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte was done, oil on canvas, between 1884 and 1886 by Georges Seurat. It became one of his most famous paintings. The people depicted in the photo are shown by a river. The Art Institute of Chicago currently owns the painting. The original work is currently valued at $650 million.
12 people (including a dog!) are needed for the live recreation and you can choose the character you'd like to be/dress up as. However, additional people are needed to fill out the background which aren't numbered but are just as important. To sign up, fill out the form here.
Judging from the picture, it's pretty obvious these people are dressed from a different century so if you don't have a piece of costume, Friends of Grand Rapids Parks will be able to provide some items. Can you imagine if we still dressed like that to spend a day at the park?
La Grande Jatte is an island on the Siene river in Paris.