Michigan Ranked One Of The Least Patriotic States
O. M. G. If I were to ask you, how patriotic do you think the state of Michigan is, what would you say?
Let's say, on a scale of 1-50... 1 is the MOST patriotic state and 50 is the LEAST patriotic state. Where do you think Michigan falls?
WalletHub ranked all 50 states, based on patriotism and I just ASSUMED that Michigan would be in the Top 10. Fish said we'd be at about 14 out of 50 and Steve thought we'd fall right in the middle.
SUPPOSEDLY, we, the state of Michigan, ARE THE 43RD MOST PATRIOTIC STATE. That means, there are only 6 states that are LESS patriotic than we are.
Does this ring true to you?
All 3 of us are born and raised Michiganders. We all went to Michigan K-12 and colleges. Between the 3 of us, we've love ALL OVER the great Mitten state! How could we be THAT WRONG?
What do you think? Does being the 43rd most patriotic state sound about right to you or would you think we'd be higher or lower?