Michigan Kindergartener Brought Tequila For Snack Time At School
A kindergartener at Grand River Academy Livonia brought in something very unusual for snack time and parents are upset.
Growing up a kid I looked forward to snack time at school. My friends and I would open up our lunchboxes and see what our parents packed for us each day.

When I was in school these were some of the most sought-after snacks.
Zebra Cakes
Capri Sun
Hi-C Juice Boxes
Huntz Snack Pack Pudding Cups
Fruit Roll-Ups
Fruit By The Foot
Scooby-Doo Snacks
None of the snacks above were what a kindergartener brought to school for snack time.
According to Fox 2, a kindergartner brought in a bottle of ready-to-drink Jose Cuervo margaritas and multiple students drank from them.
One parent said her kindergartner had a Dixie cup full.
Another parent said that after her child drank some she felt woozy and a little dizzy.
What Does The School Have To Say?
The school released a statement that said
"While we try to keep an eye on everything our students bring to school, that’s simply not possible. It’s unfortunate that these types of adult beverages can be easily mistaken for child-friendly drinks."
The school also said they called poison control to consult regarding the next steps. Parents received calls from the school right away to tell them all the kids were physically okay and said they would hand out discipline to the student, if necessary.
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