Living Your Best Life: The Things you need to know about Grand Rapids whether You’re New or Not
I’m the new kid when it comes to living in Grand Rapids, so I’m always looking for tips on how to live my best life in West Michigan.
So I was thankful to notice that recently Reddit users compiled a list of things you may want to know whether you’ve been in grand rapids for one week or your entire life. Some of these may be obvious, but a few may be new to even the most seasoned West Michigan resident.
Leave Early For Summer Travel
From user AWDSI616: “If you are headed up north between Memorial Day and Labor Day, leave early.”
We Are Not A Fan Of Zipper Merges
From user GREpicurean: “Zipper merges trigger people.” Also added by JT7345: “Never seen a city with so many “heroes” willing to block off highway traffic a half mile before a lane closure just bc they can’t stand the idea of another car passing them and merging. Love GR and it’s ppl, but drivers here are triggered by everything.”
The Cost of Living Is Great
From user Glum-Tennis2715: “I really appreciate the ability to be able to make good money with a relatively low cost of living while still having access to live sports, entertainment, nightlife, diverse dining while being close to beautiful lakes, beaches, and bike trails.”
It's Cloudy, And Don't Forget Lake Effect Weather
From user GloryManUnited21: “It’s overcast 80% of the year” & user EffectOk3566 added: “The lake effect weather, and the cold”
We've Got Diversity!
From user QuietPhyber: “It’s a more diverse city than people think or let on. It’s not LA or Chicago by any stretch but if you want to be in a diverse neighborhood you can be. My favorite thing is that you can be in the city/burb and within a very short car ride (or bike ride) you’re out in the country. So if you like to have it both ways GR is great”
It's A Safe City To Open A Business
From user kPings: “In Grand Rapids when businesses are broken into, robbed, looted, etc. the perp is apprehended in short order. Lake Michigan Ave LMCU robbery most recent example. You can safely conduct business here.”
Grand Rapids has so much to offer if you're looking to relocate, or maybe you just forgot about what makes Beer City USA so lovable. Let us know in the comments what reasons why you love to live in Grand Rapids!