Kent District Library Branches Closing Again
Are we all ready for 2020 to go away! Say Amen! Amen! What a year we have had. The Presidential election is still in somewhat of a turmoil, and, of course, COVID 19 is really taking it toll now that the cold months have arrived.
Many businesses, restaurants and bars, were reopening, museums, movie theatres, and libraries as well. But, tougher times are upon us with the massive spread of COVID 19/Coronavirus, and some places are shutting down again for safety sake including all Kent District Library branches. Fox17 reports that KDL will close its branches to in-person visits starting next week out of caution as COVID-19 cases surge.
They had always had Curbside pickup, online programs and expanded online resources, and KDL says they will still be available.
Obviously, it was a very tough decision, but Executive Director Lance Werner said, “the closure of several branches over the past couple weeks has made it clear that we must take further steps in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The safety of people who visit the library and our staff is our utmost priority.”
Just remember, one of our greatest resources, the Kent District Library branches through Kent County will remain accessible, but only through online programs, which will expand, and curbside pickup. We all need to stay safe!
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