Ghosts may seem scary, especially during October, but these apples are the furthest thing from scary. They're actually quite beautiful.

I'm experiencing a lot of new things moving to Michigan - a lot of it has to do with the crops grown here, and the weather. Sometimes the two combine, and I get to learn about this thing called a "Ghost Apple," which I seriously thought was fake until someone showed me actual photos.

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When Fall gives way to Winter, things in Michigan will begin to be covered in ice and snow. Ice, in particular, can wreak some havoc on certain crops and structures, but it's what it does to some apples that piqued my interest.

A post on Facebook from author Sarah Addison Allen described the "ghost apples" of Kent County.

"Magical 'Ghost Apples' in the Fruit Ridge area of Kent County, Michigan.
An unusual phenomenon when freezing rain coats rotting apples before they fall. The apple turns mushy and eventually slips out, leaving the icy shell still hanging on the tree."

Allen cited Woodtv8 for the photos she used in her post, but it paints a pretty mysterious picture when you see them.

These icy shells of what was once apples look like they were made in a crystal or glass shop, but somehow, still hanging on the branches of the trees where they were formed.

I've never seen, nor heard of anything like this in my life, proving that nature, and Michigan, can still shock and amaze me.

According to upcoming weather reports, Michigan is shaping up for an unusually cold and wet winter, so it's very possible we could see some of these icy Apple remnants this year.

Meckley's Flavor Fruit Farm - Somerset, Michigan

For 65 years, Meckley's Flavor Fruit Farm has been providing seasonal and year-round fun in the Somerset, Michigan area. From donuts, to hard ciders and more, it is a stop that is well worth the trip.

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